For 20 years Virgin Vinyl has been entertaining audiences across the state of New Jersey; and more recently Florida as well. With a high energy mix of rock, pop and dance you'll be dancing and singing along!
It all started in November 2003 when Joe (drums) answered an ad on craigslist looking for a drummer for a classic rock band. At that time it was a group of high school friends that decided to "get the band back together." The search would continue for a bass player once the drummer was in place he was told.
Walking up to the house the night of the audience Joe ran into Ernie who introduced himself as the bass player. "I thought they didn't have a bass player", Joe questioned. "I'm not in the band. I'm just helping out during auditions. I'm not joining a band" was Ernie's emphatic response. (The picture to the right is from our very first gig in Las Vegas in January of 2004)
Well, it has been 19 years since that first meeting and we're still going strong. Ernie's brother Joe joined the fold about a year later on keys and fiddle, Suzy jumped in, and out, and back in again as our charismatic female front and after several personnel changes Jerry joined the band.